
Enormous Simplification

In Poetry, Prose on November 7, 2016 at 10:08 pm

Be heard of dependent importance,
Imperatively so.
Use associated words in many-word
Cuckoos, chords.
Approach an important place.
We can locate definitions
And ignorance

The wold has fantastic images,
Uncountably so.
Imagine those images as sounds,
Those sounds as words.
Speak those words and be

Utterly disappointed with the quality of translation.

Lick your lips and try again.
Enjoy the frustration-accumulation.

Turn off the lights. Lie in the dark,
Desperately waiting to “sleep on it”…

Jerk off.

Find the fridge. Chug a half-carton of milk.
Take a pill and pass out thinking (still).

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